Ensuring Clean Hands for a Safer Workspace: Let's Talk Handwashing!

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Today, we're diving into a topic that's often taken for granted but is an absolute game-changer in maintaining a healthy and safe workspace – hand washing! 💧 So grab your favourite cup of tea, and let's chat about the power of clean hands and the art of thorough hand washing.


The following points identify where you will need to wash your hands in your workplace.

  1. Before and Between Procedures: Before you kick off any task or between consecutive procedures, it's smart to start with clean hands.

  2. After Handling Contaminated Equipment: Whenever you deal with equipment or tools that are potentially contaminated, a thorough handwash is a must.

  3. After Direct Contact with Body Fluids: If you've had direct contact with body fluids, ensure you wash your hands promptly.

  4. After Completing a Task: After successfully completing a procedure, reward yourself with a round of handwashing.

  5. After Removing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Gloves are great, but remember, they're not a substitute for clean hands. Wash up after taking off your PPE.

  6. After Cleaning Up: Post-cleaning sessions, give your hands the same attention you gave to the workspace.

  7. After Moving Around Different Areas: Transitioning from a less-than-ideal area? Make sure to cleanse your hands.

  8. Post-Smoke Breaks: If you've taken a break for a smoke, follow it up with a quick handwashing session.

  9. After Blowing Your Nose: After sneezing into a tissue or handkerchief, take a moment to clean your hands.

  10. Before Eating or Drinking: Just before indulging in a snack or a drink, give your hands a thorough wash.

  11. After Using the Restroom: Last but certainly not least, after using the restroom, be sure to cleanse your hands.

Mastering The Art of Handwashing

Alright, now that we've got the when down, let's talk about the how. Here's what you need for an effective handwashing routine:

  • Liquid Soap and Running Water: These are your dynamic duo for a thorough cleanse.

  • Paper Towel: A trusty sidekick for drying off those freshly cleaned hands.

Remember, this isn't a race. It's about getting every nook and cranny clean. So, lather up with soap, scrub those hands, rinse them well under running water, and dry them using a paper towel.

In conclusion, maintaining a clean and safe workspace demands attention to detail. Handwashing is a critical aspect of this equation, ensuring that your workspace remains a conducive environment for work and creativity.


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